Daily Digest – January 14: Advice From Mario Cuomo for Today’s Democrats

January 14, 2015

Roosevelt First is our weekday morning email featuring the Daily Digest.

Mario Cuomo, the Speech and the Challenge to Democrats Today (In These Times)

Roosevelt Institute Senior Fellow Richard Kirsch and Dan Cantor point to Mario Cuomo’s vision of mutuality laid out at the 1984 Democratic National Convention as an example today’s Democrats should follow.

5 Books: Reading Race and Economics (The Nation)

Joelle Gamble, National Director of the Roosevelt Institute | Campus Network, recommends books on the intersection of race and economics to accompany an article on the economic dimension of #BlackLivesMatter.

Plunge In Wall Street Money Bolsters Populist Shift Among Democrats (HuffPo)

Paul Blumenthal says Wall Street’s dramatic shift of campaign resources away from the Democrats isn’t the cause of recent populist moves, but less campaign donations creates less industry pressure on the party.

Calls for ‘A Living Wage’ (Times Union)

Matthew Hamilton reports on a Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy forum, “New York’s Cities: Confronting Income Inequality,” which featured Roosevelt Institute Fellow Mike Konczal.

Labor at a Crossroads: How We Know We Haven’t Yet Found the Right Model for the Worker Organizations (TAP)

Sejal Parikh cites the recent closing of hundreds of Wet Seal clothing stores and subsequent brief worker outburst online as proof that with the right organization, these stories wouldn’t fizzle out.

How Medicaid for Children Recoups Much of Its Cost in the Long Run (NYT)

Margot Sanger-Katz looks at a new study that shows a correlation between Medicaid eligibility and future earnings. Higher earnings means higher taxes, repaying the investment in childhood health.

Elizabeth Warren Is Taking Control of the Democratic Agenda (TNR)

David Dayen writes that Antonio Weiss’s withdrawal from his Treasury nomination is proof that Senator Warren has quickly learned how to exert her power over all aspects of the Senate’s work.