Cathy Feingold

Guest Contributor

Cathy Feingold is director of the AFL-CIO’s International Department. In 2018, Feingold was elected Deputy President of the International Trade Union Confederation, the organization representing 200 million unionized workers worldwide.

Cathy Feingold is director of the AFL-CIO’s International Department. In 2018, Feingold was elected Deputy President of the International Trade Union Confederation, the organization representing 200 million unionized workers worldwide. She brings more than 20 years of experience in trade and global economic policy, and worker, human and women’s rights issues. In 2022, Secretary Blinken appointed Feingold to his Foreign Affairs Policy Board, where she provides input on a worker-centered foreign policy agenda to the State Department. In 2020, Speaker Pelosi appointed Feingold to the Independent Mexico Labor Expert Board, the body created under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement to monitor and evaluate labor reforms and worker rights compliance in Mexico