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Price Controls: How the US Has Used Them and How They Can Help Shape Industries

Price Controls: How the US Has Used Them and How They Can Help Shape Industries

November 16, 2021

By Todd N. Tucker

No Room for Rent: Addressing Rising Rent Prices through Public Investment and Public Power

No Room for Rent: Addressing Rising Rent Prices through Public Investment and Public Power

November 9, 2021

By Sammi Aibinder, Lindsay Owens

A New Paradigm for Justice and Democracy: Moving beyond the Twin Failures of Neoliberalism and Racial Liberalism

A New Paradigm for Justice and Democracy: Moving beyond the Twin Failures of Neoliberalism and Racial Liberalism

November 3, 2021

By Kyle Strickland, Felicia Wong

Tackling the SNAP Gap in Georgia: Addressing Food Insecurity and Barriers to Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Tackling the SNAP Gap in Georgia: Addressing Food Insecurity and Barriers to Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

October 22, 2021

By Aditi Madhusudan

Expanding Accessibility and Affordability of Dental Care for People with Disabilities in Texas

Expanding Accessibility and Affordability of Dental Care for People with Disabilities in Texas

October 22, 2021

By Vivian Tran

Rethinking Inflation Policy: A Toolkit for Economic Recovery

Rethinking Inflation Policy: A Toolkit for Economic Recovery

October 12, 2021

By J.W. Mason, Lauren Melodia

Student Debt Cancellation IS Progressive: Cancellation as a Tool to Address Racial and Economic Inequity

Student Debt Cancellation IS Progressive: Cancellation as a Tool to Address Racial and Economic Inequity

September 29, 2021

How the Build Back Better Act Would Alleviate Inflation and Drive Sustained Prosperity

How the Build Back Better Act Would Alleviate Inflation and Drive Sustained Prosperity

September 28, 2021

Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy

Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy

September 22, 2021

By Mike Konczal

Industrial Policy and Planning: A New (Old) Approach to Policymaking for a New Era

Industrial Policy and Planning: A New (Old) Approach to Policymaking for a New Era

August 10, 2021

By Todd N. Tucker, Steph Sterling