Headshot of Rhiana Gunn-Wright

Rhiana Gunn-Wright

Senior Fellow


As a senior fellow and resident author with the Roosevelt Society, Rhiana Gunn-Wright is working on a book about the climate crisis.

As former director of climate policy at the Roosevelt Institute, Rhiana Gunn-Wright led the think tank’s research at the intersection of climate policy, public investment, racial equity, and public power. Along with Lew Daly, Kristina Karlsson, and fellows associated with Roosevelt’s climate and economic transformation program, Rhiana helped create a body of work examining the role of economic policy and large-scale economic transformation in catalyzing just and rapid responses to the climate crisis. She also supported Roosevelt’s engagement with the Green New Deal Network and other partners in the climate movement. 

Prior to joining Roosevelt, Rhiana was the policy director for New Consensus, charged with developing and promoting the Green New Deal, and the policy director for Abdul El-Sayed’s 2018 Michigan gubernatorial campaign. A 2013 Rhodes Scholar, Rhiana has also worked as the policy analyst for the Detroit Health Department, acted as the Mariam K. Chamberlain Fellow of Women and Public Policy at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, and served on the policy team for former First Lady Michelle Obama.