Bo Cutter: Universal Pre-K Is the First Step Toward the Next American Economy

April 30, 2015

Our series on “The Good Economy of 2040” continues this week with Next American Economy Director and Roosevelt Senior Fellow Bo Cutter.

If Cutter could pick one policy solution to ensure a good economy in the future, he’d call for universal pre-K through secondary school to “bring up children from low-income households” and teach all children “the element of imagination, creativity, and innovation to make their way in the world that’s coming.”

Read more about the case for universal pre-K here:

Pre-K for All” (US News & World Report)

“Arne Duncan: High-quality preschool is a sure path to the middle class” (WashPost)

Bowman Cutter is a Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute and Director of the Next American Economy Project. He was a managing director of Warburg Pincus, a major global private equity firm headquartered in New York City, between 1996 and 2009, where he served both as the firm’s economist and as a leader in its international business, with particular reference to Asia. He has served with distinction during two Democratic presidencies: as director of the National Economic Council and Deputy Assistant to the President during the Clinton presidency; and as Executive Director for Budget during the Carter presidency. He also served as leader of the OMB transition team after the election of President Obama.