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The Student Debt Crisis, Labor Market Credentialization, and Racial Inequality: How the Current Student Debt Debate Gets the Economics Wrong

The Student Debt Crisis, Labor Market Credentialization, and Racial Inequality: How the Current Student Debt Debate Gets the Economics Wrong

October 16, 2018

By Julie Margetta Morgan, Marshall Steinbaum

Towards ‘Accountable Capitalism’: Remaking Corporate Law through Stakeholder Governance

Towards ‘Accountable Capitalism’: Remaking Corporate Law through Stakeholder Governance

October 4, 2018

By Lenore Palladino, Kristina Karlsson

Left Behind: Snapshots from the 21st Century Labor Market

Left Behind: Snapshots from the 21st Century Labor Market

October 3, 2018

By Rakeen Mabud, Jess Forden

The Effective Competition Standard: A New Standard for Antitrust

The Effective Competition Standard: A New Standard for Antitrust

September 25, 2018

By Marshall Steinbaum, Maurice E. Stucke

The State of U.S. Antitrust Law

The State of U.S. Antitrust Law

September 24, 2018

By Joseph Stiglitz

Seven Strategies to Rebuild Worker Power for the 21st Century Global Economy: A Comparative and Historical Framework for Policy Action

Seven Strategies to Rebuild Worker Power for the 21st Century Global Economy: A Comparative and Historical Framework for Policy Action

September 18, 2018

By Todd Tucker

10 Years After the Financial Crisis

10 Years After the Financial Crisis

September 14, 2018

By Joseph Stiglitz

The United States has a Market Concentration Problem

The United States has a Market Concentration Problem

September 11, 2018

By Adil Abdela, Marshall Steinbaum

Taking Antitrust Away from the Courts

Taking Antitrust Away from the Courts

September 1, 2018

By Ganesh Sitaraman

A Public Banking Option As a Mode of Regulation for Household Financial Services in the United States

A Public Banking Option As a Mode of Regulation for Household Financial Services in the United States

August 14, 2018

By Thomas Herndon, Mark Paul