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(Opens in a new window) Making the Case: How Ending Walmart’s Stock Buyback Program Would Help to Fix Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy

Making the Case: How Ending Walmart’s Stock Buyback Program Would Help to Fix Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy

May 22, 2018

By Lenore Palladino, Adil Abdela

(Opens in a new window) Unstacking the Deck: A New Agenda to Tame Corruption in Washington

Unstacking the Deck: A New Agenda to Tame Corruption in Washington

May 2, 2018

By Rohit Chopra, Julie Margetta Morgan

(Opens in a new window) The Financialization of Higher Education at Michigan State University

The Financialization of Higher Education at Michigan State University

April 18, 2018

By Aman Banerji, Ademali Sengal, Brigid Kennedy

(Opens in a new window) A Missing Link: The Role of Antitrust Law in Rectifying Employer Power in Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy

A Missing Link: The Role of Antitrust Law in Rectifying Employer Power in Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy

April 16, 2018

By Marshall Steinbaum

(Opens in a new window) Powerless: How Lax Antitrust and Concentrated Market Power Rig the Economy Against American Workers, Consumers, and Communities

Powerless: How Lax Antitrust and Concentrated Market Power Rig the Economy Against American Workers, Consumers, and Communities

March 21, 2018

By Marshall Steinbaum, Eric Harris Bernstein, John Sturm

(Opens in a new window) Insuring Our Future: Rewriting Health Policy at the George Washington University

Insuring Our Future: Rewriting Health Policy at the George Washington University

March 19, 2018

By Aman Banerji, Cara Schiavone