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Making the Case: How Ending Walmart’s Stock Buyback Program Would Help to Fix Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy
Making the Case: How Ending Walmart’s Stock Buyback Program Would Help to Fix Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy
May 22, 2018
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Unstacking the Deck: A New Agenda to Tame Corruption in Washington
Unstacking the Deck: A New Agenda to Tame Corruption in Washington
May 2, 2018
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Regulating Tech Platforms: A Blueprint for Reform
Regulating Tech Platforms: A Blueprint for Reform
May 1, 2018
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Market Concentration and the Importance of Properly Defined Markets
Market Concentration and the Importance of Properly Defined Markets
April 23, 2018
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The Financialization of Higher Education at Michigan State University
The Financialization of Higher Education at Michigan State University
April 18, 2018
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A Missing Link: The Role of Antitrust Law in Rectifying Employer Power in Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy
A Missing Link: The Role of Antitrust Law in Rectifying Employer Power in Our High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy
April 16, 2018
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Powerless: How Lax Antitrust and Concentrated Market Power Rig the Economy Against American Workers, Consumers, and Communities
Powerless: How Lax Antitrust and Concentrated Market Power Rig the Economy Against American Workers, Consumers, and Communities
March 21, 2018
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Stock Buybacks: Driving A High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy
Stock Buybacks: Driving A High-Profit, Low-Wage Economy
March 20, 2018
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Insuring Our Future: Rewriting Health Policy at the George Washington University
Insuring Our Future: Rewriting Health Policy at the George Washington University
March 19, 2018
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Inequality and Economic Growth
Inequality and Economic Growth
March 7, 2018