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Childcare as Industrial Policy Blueprint: Lessons from New York City’s Pre-K for All Implementation

Childcare as Industrial Policy Blueprint: Lessons from New York City’s Pre-K for All Implementation

June 21, 2023

By Josh Wallack

Marketcrafting: A 21st-Century Industrial Policy

Marketcrafting: A 21st-Century Industrial Policy

May 31, 2023

By Chris Hughes, Peter Spiegler

Using Industrial Policy for Productive Transformation: Three Lessons from Development Economics for US Industrial Strategy

Using Industrial Policy for Productive Transformation: Three Lessons from Development Economics for US Industrial Strategy

May 25, 2023

By Isabel Estevez

Choosing between Environmental Standards and a Rapid Transition to Renewable Energy Is a False Dilemma

Choosing between Environmental Standards and a Rapid Transition to Renewable Energy Is a False Dilemma

May 24, 2023

By Jamie Pleune

Understanding the Effects of Windfalls: What People Do with Financial Payouts, and What It Means for Policy

Understanding the Effects of Windfalls: What People Do with Financial Payouts, and What It Means for Policy

May 18, 2023

By Katherine Rodgers, Sydney A. Grissom, Lucas Hubbard, and William A. Darity Jr.

The Suit against Student Debt Relief Doesn’t Add Up: Flawed Claims of Legal Standing in Biden v. Nebraska

The Suit against Student Debt Relief Doesn’t Add Up: Flawed Claims of Legal Standing in Biden v. Nebraska

May 2, 2023

By Thomas Gokey, Eleni Schirmer, Braxton Brewington, and Louise Seamster

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Inclusion Policy

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Inclusion Policy

April 25, 2023

By K. Sabeel Rahman

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Competition Policy

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Competition Policy

April 25, 2023

By Tim Wu

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Climate Policy

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Climate Policy

April 25, 2023

By Jane Flegal

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Trade Policy

Industrial Policy Synergies: Industrial Policy + Trade Policy

April 25, 2023

By Jennifer Harris