In Network 2.0, the Roosevelt Network is no longer only something you can participate in in college: Now, you can continue being involved with the Network at all parts of your professional journey.

FDR knew how much of a roadblock doubt can be to achieving one’s goals and dreams—so much so that he closed his final address to the American people with the acknowledgment that “the only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

We navigate these doubts by tapping into our community and learning from the experiences of those who have faced similar challenges before us. So, regardless of whether you’re a mentor or a mentee, we hope that this program will support your goals in the collective work of rebalancing power in our economy and democracy.

This year, a cornerstone of that effort will be the new Young Professionals Mentorship Program. As Roosevelters, collaboration is crucial as we work toward, think about, and realize our vision for a more progressive tomorrow across all industries where power is being contested. Along that professional journey, and especially right after college, many of us have doubts—about the progressive movement, our country, or even ourselves.


Young Professionals Mentorship Program


Program Structure

Participants should expect to spend 2-3 hours per month on the program, distributed across the following activities:

Mentee Monthly Commitments
1 Hour: Mentor Cohort Call
1 Hour: one-on-one call with mentor

Mentor Monthly Commitments
1 Hour: Mentee Cohort Call
1 Hour: one-on-one call with mentee

Access to Roosevelt Network & Roosevelt Institute events.